Affiliate Contact

We can't reach every dog owner, but with your help, we can try!
If you are interested in our Affiliate Referral program please contact us here, and we will reach out to set up your account. note: We do not allow auto sign up for affiliate link due to the enormous amount of bots that sign up.
We'd for others to spread the message of dog health and how Stairwedge can play a part.
Are you a dog breeder and sell puppies?
Our product creates an safe and immediate learning experience for stairs.
Email below to sign up to be a referral partner.
1) Sell your precious breed
2) Provide discount code to your buyer
3) Monthly report provided to you as a referrer.
4) Payout each month.
Email us at
note: We do not allow auto sign up for affiliate link due to the enormous amount of bots that sign up.