About Us

Our adorable pal, Koda, was having a real struggle-fest trying to climb stairs. What was once a cakewalk turned into a full-blown "carry-me-up" situation!

Jon and family couldn't stand seeing Koda's struggling.  They set out on a quest to find a solution, only to be shocked at the lack of options out there for the staircase types around the world.!

Enter the epic StairWedge! A patent pending invention that is part of the part-ramp and pet assist product, designed by our family to cater to any stair setup you can imagine. With StairWedge, Koda could finally go up and down stairs with no hesitation!

We carefully chose the strongest and most eco-friendly option possible utilizing cork and super-soft carpet to make sure Koda and all his four-legged pals had the best grip possible. No slipping and sliding for these little fluffballs!

StairWedge can be used indoors and outdoors! So, whether your furry friend needs to conquer the stairs inside your cozy home or venture into the wild backyard, StairWedge has got them covered!

StairWedge comes in singles and packs of five, so you can mix and match to your heart's content. Choose the perfect amount to make your pet's life a breeze!

We hope you love our product!

About the Owner

When Jon isn't busy innovating, you'll find him out and about with his adorable sidekick, Koda, taking walks together. Koda is Jon's loyal furry companion!
Jon enjoys hanging out with his loving spouse and three fabulous daughters.
Keep an eye out for him and Koda on their next adventure, and don't be surprised if he and Koda turn your ordinary day into something extraordinary.



Koda is simply a good boy!!